April 12, 2022
Membership dues have been increased from $10.00 to $11.00 as of March 19, 2022. If you need to check your membership status with us, please email membership@minndeaf.org.
Hello, my name is John Wilson, Member at large with MADC Board. I am also the Chairperson of the Membership committee. I am excited to announce that we have been working hard on updating our membership list, now we are ready to announce it. For consistency with everyone understanding our 2021 Bylaws, I am going to recite the section on Membership Dues:
Article III Section 3 – Membership Dues: Dues for each membership category in Section 2 shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Dues are to be paid annually by March 31st. The Board of Directors may vote to confer free membership for one year to students graduating from high school or college to encourage their participation in MADC.
We are now starting a new membership cycle beginning on March 31 so we would appreciate your payment as soon as possible. We are willing to give you until Memorial Day to make your membership payment to receive membership benefits. Your membership benefits includes:
First is voting privileges during conference;
Second is newsletter subscriptions; and
Third is discounts on MADC workshops/events
We will be sending a Google Form for you to fill out your membership information and make your membership payment. There are three options to send your payment:
The first option is to pay online. We will have a payment link on the Google form for you to make a payment.
The second option is to pay by check. Print the membership form and fill it out, adding your VP number as well. Make your check payable to MADC and mail it. Our PO Box mailing address is on the form.
The third option is pay in person. How to meet in person? Email us to make an appointment to meet in person. Email us at membership@minndeaf.org and set up an appointment in person. Print the form and fill it out, adding your VP number. Have the form and payment with you when you meet us in person to set up everything.
If you have any questions or concerns, email us at membership@minndeaf.org. Thank you for showing your interest in MADC!